heyyyyyyyy peepss..
wats up?
today, i just bought a laptop!! wohooo alhamdulillah! i've never had a laptop before.. i survived 3 semesters without laptop hehehe.. selalu menyebok kat laptop orgg jehhh huhuhu. now im blogging using my lptop . heheh
next, my course , diploma in actuarial sc, which was at jln klang lama campus tuh, will be moving to tapah campus! since i am going for fasttrack in shah alam, so i am not going to tapah la kan.. and just now, one of my frens uploaded pics from tapah campus. YA ALLAH cantik sgt laaaa.. haha cool giler kot.. paling best almari dia la , kayu, 2 pintu, plg x tahan cermin der sebesar kat pntu almari blah dlm tuh. -.-! nk kata saya giler cermin mmg tak la, tp tgk la cool kot cermin camtu,. HAHAHA
dewan mkn dia pon best je nmpk.. hehehe
ok next, td pagi gi tgk umah sewa di seksyen 7 . ok laaa umah nye,, best jee. seribu sewa sebulan . standard price lah kot.
wats next? nothing.
ok chowsssssssssssss
ulfah-26th dec-2.23am
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
sem break?
heeyyy .. i feel like blogging. wahahah
currently having the sem break!
what happened lately was hurrmmm , on the 10th dec, result has came out, and i got Alhamdulillah :)
next,( haha busan je baca blog ni) i went to ENGLISH INTENSIVE COURSE on the 13th of dec till 17th of dec. organised by mnrb. i am an mnrb scholar, ( oh bru bgtau haha) , x pasal la kn kne gi intensive programme plak kn.. huhhu.. the prog wass expected to be boring and it is la actually, but the speaker, mdm lainah is so cool and sporting plus nice and she treat us on tht friday. wehhehehe. i met new frenssss there. there were only 8 of us . ahhh what else? oh gmbr! mlas plak nk letak.
haaaaaaa, result ft pon da kuar. ! FT tu means FAST TRACK, in uitm , diploma sem 3 students can apply to go to fast track then akn diserap masuk ke dgree sem 2. ok. and i am going for tht,.. so next semester i will be continuing my studies in shah alam, andddddddddd will be staying in RUMAH SEWA!
haaa last monday , me, farisha, jue, wani, shiqin gi round2 kt shah alam nk cari umah sewa la kn,, ehh japp , nama3 yg disebutkan td adalah my housemates! hehe . then pusing2 shah alam smpai mlm, trus rasa cm nk demam x jumpa2 umah. actually ada tgk satu ni but jauh n mcm not really interested. huhu. and the next day jue dah jumpa pon jmpe umahhhhh haaa bgussssss
sebelum2 nih, ramaiiii tny 'pahhhh, bila nk update blogg?"
huahuahua nk update bende nye, mmg rajin la kn, x reti la nk ber blog2 ni, minum cool blog bleh laa. HAHAHA
ahhhh , saya ade twitter now, maybe tu lagi sesuai la , setakat nk tulis bbrape patah perkataan je kn. kuang kuang kuang.
ok chowsssssssssss
see you in shah alam. (X pasal tetibe s. a.)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
what a long time
its been A LONG time since i blogged...
so many things have changed.
-i HAVE passed my THIRD driving test on 6th of july.. 2010.. having a driving license really makes a BIG differences in my life. seriously..
-now currently in the 3rd sem!
-i love 3rd sem.. i love my batch.. :) they are so sporting awesome and fun.. muahaha..
-really needs to study hard! gonna be in love with MATH STAT!
-i have a lot of NEW RESOLUTIONS FOR this sem.. since last sem i didnt perform well.. in terms of my attitudes.. so, Ulfah nafis needs to change!!
-i am no longer selling reload (top up).. because i lost my money..
-missing my exroommates , fina nadia husna bella syu.
-its 7th sept! TIME FLIES!
i want to change!
Friday, May 7, 2010
11.30pm -ulfah msg nadia "hey,korang tgh wat pe? kte nak naik ni nk trnsfer gmbr.."
nadia replied "ulfah, naik je.. laptop aku ade kat katil nawa, password***, sorry kteorg overnite . fina da blek td. kelam kabut gler td... naik je.."
tersentap kot "FINA DA BALIK TD"
aku rasa terkejut, , mcm nk menangis, mcm2 perasaan ada.. bila baca tuhh..
dgn hati yg sedihnye aku pon naik je la atas.. then msg kau "dtg balik, balik lagi skali.. "
pastu aku on silent off vibrate phone tuh.. x sanggup wei.. serius x sanggup.. xsanggup nk angkat kaalau kau call ke,
trus xde mood da nk study kot..
banyak je msg ko hanta, aku x reply ...
reply empty msg je.
then.. "ulfah, reply la msg aku ."
"ye2. kte reply nanti"
nk kat setahun ak kwn dgn kau.. ni la saat yg paaling sedih skali kot..
agak2 da cool tuh.. aku try call kau.. kul 1.10 kot.. x angkat.. mmg ko da tido ar kan .. mcm x knal ko tido awal kn,,.
skrg ni aku da cool da kot..
selama aku kawan dgn kau seingt2 aku, x pernah lagi aku terasa dgn kau.. dan ni first time la... bukan salah kau pon.. ak tau ko balik rushing.. aku just x sanggup wei.. sedih kot..
anyway fina.. segala salah silap aku, aku minta maaf eh.. halalkn makan minum.. kau mmg kawan yg baik.. bukan senang nak cari kawan mcm kau nih.. fina..
contact aku slalu..
semoga brjaya dunia akhirat..
nadia replied "ulfah, naik je.. laptop aku ade kat katil nawa, password***, sorry kteorg overnite . fina da blek td. kelam kabut gler td... naik je.."
tersentap kot "FINA DA BALIK TD"
aku rasa terkejut, , mcm nk menangis, mcm2 perasaan ada.. bila baca tuhh..
dgn hati yg sedihnye aku pon naik je la atas.. then msg kau "dtg balik, balik lagi skali.. "
pastu aku on silent off vibrate phone tuh.. x sanggup wei.. serius x sanggup.. xsanggup nk angkat kaalau kau call ke,
trus xde mood da nk study kot..
banyak je msg ko hanta, aku x reply ...
reply empty msg je.
then.. "ulfah, reply la msg aku ."
"ye2. kte reply nanti"
nk kat setahun ak kwn dgn kau.. ni la saat yg paaling sedih skali kot..
agak2 da cool tuh.. aku try call kau.. kul 1.10 kot.. x angkat.. mmg ko da tido ar kan .. mcm x knal ko tido awal kn,,.
skrg ni aku da cool da kot..
selama aku kawan dgn kau seingt2 aku, x pernah lagi aku terasa dgn kau.. dan ni first time la... bukan salah kau pon.. ak tau ko balik rushing.. aku just x sanggup wei.. sedih kot..
anyway fina.. segala salah silap aku, aku minta maaf eh.. halalkn makan minum.. kau mmg kawan yg baik.. bukan senang nak cari kawan mcm kau nih.. fina..
contact aku slalu..
semoga brjaya dunia akhirat..
fina -salah seorang drpd roomate ulfah masa sem 1.
fina - antara yg paling rapat dgn ulfah
fina - kawan sepinggan ulfah masa sem 1
fina - rajin sampai pernah basuh baju ulfah yg sgt byk
fina - kawan yg paling ulfah xberkira
fina - kawan yg paling ulfah x segan dgn
fina - sentiasa ingt ulfah walaupun da lain rumah.
fina - kwn ulfah yg akan pindah kuala pilah
fina - kwn ulfah yg ulfah da xtau bile lagi boleh jumpa ..bile2 pn boleh sebenarnye.
loved, ulfah.
to ulfah,
relax suda.. xya emo2.
from ulfah..
ULFAH NAFIS - 7 MAY 2010- 3.10 AM.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
ulfah nafis update blog laa
apakah kegunaan blog ni ..
today is the first day of my final exam for this sem! second sem. This sem mcm cepat giler masa berlalu.. pejam celik.. dah final..
dah la chill2 je for 14 weeks. hmmm studyhard la ulfah!!
this sem is awesome. This i know more ppl from my course.. i mean my batch.. compared to last sem which i only know my own classmates je yg 18 org tuh. eh wait2 THT COOL 18.. ! hahaa emosi..
this sem, the ppl in my class increase to 37 ppl,, campur 2 klaas.. best tu mmg best ah.. huhu.. most ppl call me "xde prasaan".. muka xde prasaan.. haihh..
eh. buhsan la plak tulis blog nih.. .. . ..
mmg xde org baca pon blog ni sebenarnye.. boleh jadi diari.. sendiri tulis , sendiri baca. huahuahua.. tu pon kalau sendiri baca,, huahuahaah
last week ada majlis solat hajat CS1122A (naama klas) kat rumah A'a (amalina) . hee,best2! hahaha..
tadi pagi paper CTU. mmg goreng habis laa..Alhamdulillah dah lps pon.
5 more papers to go.. byk nih..
disebabkan tiada siapa yg membaca blog ku ini, jadi mmg bole jadi cam diari laa.. boleh tulis sesuka hati ku.. MUAHAHAH.. sendiri tulis , sendiri baca kn, ..
esok, 22 apr.. plan for esok.
1. belajar calculus yg dicintai sampai habis .,. agak byk, sebenarnye mmg byk.. tp study je la!
2. belajar fin..
plan for 23 apr ,,jumaat.
1. belaajar FIN sampai la habisss!! Habis eh..
tu je plan tuk jumaaat..
plan for 24 apr, sabtu..
1. ASC
plan for 25 apr
1. FIN
2. QMT
eh jap,semua keempat2 hari itu haruslah mengasah skill BEL kamu ye pah oi!
skrg ni kn, ramai plak org panggil "pah" hmm pape je laa..
apabila ditengok secAra random nye, mmg plan2 ku untuk empat hari itu sgt la brcita2 tinggi, sama ada dapat dicapai atau tidak, kite tunggu dan lihat sAja,.. hmm..
lastly.. saya jual top up.. min rm 3.. walaupn xde org baca nih... huahaha..
Sunday, February 21, 2010
last week , I went to "Program Anak Angkat" in Jengka 25, Pahang..

We, around 80 students, half business students and half CS students, which are most of them are from my class... went there for 3 days.. 13th - 15th feb...
THE TRIP WAS AWESOME AND MEMORABLE!.. it is a wonderful experience tht will never fades away! :)
the ppl there in Jengka 25 are friendly..
We are suppose to be divided each housse 4 ppl... but some changes occur.. me n mauizah , only two of us went to the houses.. Some houses , they tok 6 ppl, some took 8 ppl.... huaaaauahah
Our house was good.. we got a room, which has bathroom in it.. and tht is cool!! coz other houses they shared the bathrooms with the whole family.. and our room has air-cond! .. so yeah....luxury, luxury..
Our adopted family was great! we called them abah and mak.. there are 3 daughters and a son at home.. the daughters are 17, 11, and 8.. while the son is 5... the kids are all very quite... duduk2 senyum jee.. hahaa.. the 17 yr-old girl was friendly... We shared alot with her... The 5-yr-old boy was hyper active! I like! his name is zamani... I always find it hard to pronouns his name..LOL.. They even gave us their car!! It is a kancil manual.. same as my mom's car... They gave us their car for us to drive to skool and to masjid on the 2nd day..and also to padang on the 3rd day..
OUR ACTIVITES were great! on the 2nd day, we hv qiamullail at the masjid at 4.30... we (me n mau) woke up at 4.45!! huaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... quickly went to the masjid , luckily x start lagi.
then we have "misi akademik" in skool and gotong royong memasak at the masjid..
the daughters joined the misi akademik , so we drive them to skool.. Then we play with the car!!! Most of us are excited to drive the car since it is a manual car! We (me n mau) even went to fill some petrol... tht evening , we (me , mauizah, and faMILY) went to visit Gunung Senyum... :) :) :)
That night, we had mlm kebudayaan.. There are 3 categories "nyanyi".. menari".. or "main alat muzik ".. I joined main alat muzik .. me , husin , K played the KEKETUK.. but only K who can play it well.. hahaha. so, he is the "keketuk player" for the closing ceremony laa..
THe 3rd day,, our abah gave us the car again... hehe.. we drive to padang, actually, mau is the one who was driving... huahuahua.. i dont even have a P licence.. went to padang for SUKANEKA!
The FOOD served was AWESOME!! I love it yo! I ate ikan patin masak tempoyak during the first dinner at my house.. It was nice lah.... The third day, me and mauizah makan tmbah2,, mmg dah x tau malu daH.. Muahahaha.. we cant resist! the food was just too awesome! LOL..
and the sambal belaCAN was the best lah! Mak is the one who cooked the awesome food!
Those 3 days are memorable in my life and also for all who went to the trip..These trip has also tighten the bond between us (classmates).. lastly, i miss the place! These are some of the pics...
SUKANEKA - 3rd day
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
just alphabets
It has been months since I last posted an entry..
second sem has started and it is already half of the sem.. Currently i am having my mid sem break.. 1 week. well , there are nothing much happen in sem 2 , which is actually a lot of things happen in sem 2... hahaha. lol.. ..
sem 2 is great so far... i have new housemates which are all CS students .. ( CS students = actuarial sc students).. last sem i used to stay with business students but this sem the college has divide us according to our course.. hmmm... .. so same faces in the house and also in the class laaa... hmm..
the subjects for this sem are, insurance , investments, calculus II, statistics and probability, agama, english... and cocuriculum.. which is pingpong! muahahahahah ...
lastly, post ini adalah post yg plg buhsan lah!
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