it is the 29th dec 2011!
hmmm it has been a long time since my last post..
i wish i can blog everysingleday although no ones actually reads my blog, so tht i can blog about all the little things that happen in my life like "first time naik rapid kl dgn wani kt dalam uitm" or blablablabla
currently at home, THIS WEEK is the study week ! we are going to have our final exam NEXT WEEK, which is actually next yr, huahuahua...
the first paper is CTU, hmmm then ECONOMICS, my economics punye carry marks is the LOWEST in my classss!!!!! dah mmg laaa x belaja kan!!! haihhhh
then next is FM and AM , then after that cuti sem lagi.... (thinking of my sem break mission... hmmmmm dreaming to get a job ! tinggi tol cita2)
ok, LAST WEEK, we submited our japenese movie film! it was so cool to me, cause we had created a film, although it is only 6 mins and 44 secs but! it is a film that took us 2 WEEKS! to shoot, edit and combine, burn and blablabla, my group members are @aamlina @najwaomar and @julianamartika , a'a and jue are the one who had work very hard in editing and "controlling the camera" .. najwa pulak sebok edit2 skrip dan blablabla.. aku xde la buat apa sgt pon HAHA..
so who wanna watch our japanese movie film, you are most welcomed! leave a comment below LOL , mmg ade org baca blog ni ponn..
oh ! LAST WEEK , kitorng serumah telah pindah rumah!!! ok sgt penat ! tingkat 3 ok! almost paling tinggi , almost! nasib baik ade van ayah wani and pekerja2nye yg sgt gagah angkat barang2 seperti katil katil katil katilllllll almari almarii almarriii gas dapur, dan mcm2 lagiii dan x lupa juga tv! skrg tv dah boleh on! :P
hmmm what elseeee?.. oh! my CTU group presentation was on the 1st of dec, and guess what time did we wake up tht morning!!! 8.20am! plg lambat dalam sejarah hidup aku di shah alam! (ye ke? ye kottt) class at 8.30 ! and i woke up at 8.20! and most ppl are still sleeeping!!! "of all dayyyy , why today??... ok, why not today?" huuuuu.. then we reach class at 9.20am. ustazah usually teach first the first half of the class and the other half is for presentation . the minute we enter the class (9.20am) ustzah :"ok, group pembentangan hari ni boleh ke depan" -___- on time !
ustazah : "awak semua perlu menepati masa yeee, bukan setakat menepati masa pembentangan saja tp menepati masa kelas, kalau saya dapat kesan , saya tolak markah"
mmg terang terangan pon haiiihhhhhh !
hmmm what else?..maybe those are all for now, will update more later , insyaALLAH.
follow me on twitter , @ulfahnafis