Sunday, June 23, 2013



currently doing FYP, (FINAL YEAR PROJECT) alhamdulillah it is almost finished!!


Alhamdulillah for the awesome dedicated motivated and sticking together team members, WANI and FARISHA.

We named our group FWP. which is actually stands for Farisha Wani Pah . heeee~~~

It has been a tough semester going thru this FYP stuff, .

submitting on this monday !


Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Actuarial practice and managerial econs test papers are waiting for me .

Heyyy .oooohh it is 3.44am and I am here blogging live from shh alam seksyen 7,  pusat komersial.
 I purposely put that as the title for this post . I can still remember one of my post title was "accounts and computer programming test papers are waiting for me" something like that .

Tomorrow is going to be our second last day of class for this sem. And this sem is the last sem of lecture, insyaAllah.  Ohhh I am so gonna miss my life as a student. In shh alam and also in alamanda.
 I have 2 tests tomorrow but I dont really studied ;o!

There! These are my classmates ! :D 

Chows. As salam.

-ulfah-19june-3.55 am -

Monday, May 20, 2013


Tomorrow is a monday but I dont feel like it is monday. Huahua. It's because I didn't go back home this weekend and there is no AP class tomorrow morning at 8.30 weeee~ .
We are going to enter week 11 tomorrow,  and there is only 4 weeks left till final exam!!! .. huuuu it is not about the final exam but it is about this is the last sem, insyaAllah. And next sem is our practical training. And we are done with our degree. InsyaAllah.  Time flies so fast.
I never even blogged anything yet  during this semester , and this would be the first post. Fuhhhhh...

I think I always blog about stuff like studying (although i havent been studying for so long already) all those things that have got to do with the timing like week 11 of the sem. And blablabla. And 'I haven't blog about anything yet this sem" . Like I have no other things to say, it is just that I think that I am the kind of person who dont really express feelings to people. Hmm oh yea? Hmm maybe i have got to think again bout that. Hmmmmm. Yeayeyayea..

 Anddddd I miss blogging..!


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

10 days mission

I am back from my 10 days mission, which is SAS base programmer course and actuarial road tour.
The SAS base programmer course was from 29 jan till 7 feb (8 days excluding weekends)
 the actuarial road tour was from 1-3feb.

dah lama risaukan kedua-dua event ni yang saya akan lalui, takut x mampu nak hadapi jeeee... hmmm rasa mcm bakal membuat kerja gila pon ade`~ hmmmmmm we'll see~

29 jan 2013- Day 1.
Class is suppose to start at 9. but I am so brilliant to get out from my house which is 30 km away from uitm at 8.50am. then I experienced the "-___-" traffic jam, I can say that jammed was the worst I have ever experienced (cara ckp mcm salu je drive time jam, padahal x pon~) I get stressed out with the traffic jam and decided to lepak at the petronas nearby sambil makan nasi lemak ke pape yg patut. boleh plak petronas tu xde nasi lemak.:(.. haih sabar je la. then sampai kelas pukul 10.20 .
The class was okay, the speakers were awesome, ( softskill class, bukan kelas SAS base programmer)
and the class ended at almost 7pm (lama gilerrr)

Malam tu gi makan dgn budak2 engineering dari uitm penang, Azi Ika (angah) and ayie.. I am amazed dgn ke-friendly-an mereka! I am excited to make friends with them :D

30 jan 2013 - Day 2
again class start at 9 , till 5 blablabla... ~

31 jan 2013 - Day 3
today is the first Day of SAS Base programmer class, in the lab, at my faculty. the lecturer was okay and good. She was quite fast macam drift pon ade.. yela ade 3 buku tebal nak belaja dalam masa 4 hari? mmg ponnnnn bolee kan~
I like this day (sebagai hari yg belaja SAS la) sgt byk input dalam kelas + risau giler sebab esok akan ponteng kelas sebab gi road tour!

malam tu gi dinner 2 org je dgn tira. dinner mcm la baru habis exam , siap makan ikan bakar, and keranng bakar!! banyak plak tu~

1 feb 2013 - DAy 4
today is the first Day of actuarial road tour 8! I am very excited to join this ROAD TOUR! sampaikan sanggup ponteng kelas SAS ! we went to mrsm balik pulau, in penang!! It was a longggg journey~~
Saya adalah salah seorang fasilitator untuk group kerang.

2 feb 2013 - Day 5
second day of the ROAD TOUR, we start our day very early , before 7 am semua dah kuar rumah (home stay). hari ni banyak sgt aktiviti , from senam robik, to moduls, games, sembang2 dgn adik2, practise for persembahan esok ! and sukaneka!! oh my group menang baling belon air!!!! best sgt support diorg!!! malam ade muhasabah diri, sketsa dari fasi2 (but not me).
this day is a very very productive day, time management tip top!

3feb 2013- Day 6
last day of road tour. lagi awal kuar rumah hari ni~~ pagi tu setiap group buat persembahan , and majlis penutup , ucapan2, and balik!

oh saya sukaaaaaaa sangat pergi road tour 8 niii~~~ x menyesal lah ponteng kelas SAS pon.
sedih tinggalkan adik2 tu, macam nk pergi lagi je mrsm balik pulau tu :D
sayang kat adik2 tu~~ :"D
rindu kat adik2 mrsm balik pulau bila dah balik.
walaupon sakit tekak la itu ini, tp bila berdepan dgn budak2 lupa trus sakit tekak la apa la, time sukaneka tu lagi laaaaaaaaaaa, jerit2 x ingt langsung sakit . ;D

ini dia group KERANG! diorg menang kot!! hhhehehehe :) alhamdulillah.
semoga adik2 menjadi insan berguna dunia akhirat! amin.

otw way balik singgah "nasi kandar line clear" yang mcm agak femes tu, (xde la sedap giler, biasa je la hehe)

4 feb 2013 - Day 7
oh penatnyeeeeeee nak pergi kelas!! kelas kul 9 okayyyy , sepanjang kelas tu, sampai 5 ptg, YA ALLAH mEngantuk giler x bole blah! seriusss~~~.. ye ye pikir takut x paham je apa yang akan di ajar, x terpikir plak kepenatan dan kemengantukan selepas pulang dr roadtour.. pastu berazam giler supaya esok menjadi lebih semangat dan berusaha untuk memahami!

5 feb 2013 - Day 8.
lagi lah mengantuk x boleh blah! lagi truk dari semalam. mcm manee niiii.. lepas tu mkn gula2 x henti

from DAY 1 till Day 7 I was staying at my rumah sewa in shah alam, (kecuali la yg gi penang tu) most of my housemates joined roadtour so mmg ade lah org, but today, sume dah balik~~ baru ingt ahhh duduk je la sorg2, tapi nnt busan +takut pula, then I decided to balik rumah, balik lah kul 5, singgah umah aunty dulu in Alam megah,

otw nak balik tu dah terasa ak muntah tah kenapa. then sampai je rumah aunty TERUS MUNTAH kat luar umah dia x sempat nak masuk rumah!! then muntah x berenti, dah kena inject pon muntah x berenti , lemah gilerrrrrrrrrrrr
at 2am in the morning, mama and abah hantar pergi hospital!

lalalala~ masuk lah hospital cerita nyaaaaa (eh ni dah day 9)

6 feb 2013 -Day 9
2am pergi hospital, masuk lah wad...
pagi tu expect boleh balik but doctor kata "eesok boleh balik kot, xde exam kan?"
HUH ESOK ? aku ade exam esok!"
esok ade exam SAS base programmer.
hari tu dalam kelas lecturer ckp "semua orang kena amik ye exam ni, kecuali la kamu masuk hospital" pastu kitorng gelak, sekali amik kau , aku yang masuk hospital!
like seriously, the 9th day of my 10 days mission , I was in the hospital! this is out of what Im thinking.
masuk air 5 botol~
Alhamdulillah sihat... keluar hospital kul 8 mlm..

7 feb 2013 - Day 10
today is the last day of my 10 days mission. dalam hati (cepatlaaaa habiss!!) baca and belajar lah jugak, exam ptg ni kannnnn, ttbe kul 12pm org call ckp exam postpone esok boleh? huh? boleh!!

xpernah2 aku exam postpone, hari ni exam postpone jadi esok
. it was a miracle, alhamdulillah.
sempat la nak belajar lagi , kalau x, x sampai separuh pon belajar nyewwww, drift plak tu.

8 feb 2013 - Day 11 (deffered sehari plak misi saya heheh)
 the day of the exam . I went to the exam in the engineering faculty in uitm  at 3pm and i failed! my score was not even half :P. the passing score is 70 percent.

I got 3 cert from this SAS thingy, cert completion of studies of SAS 1 , SAS 2 , and completion of studies of hmmmmmmmmm (apa tah.. SAS kot) uhuhu

yeah!! Alhamdulillah ! mission accomplished!

*gambar lepas exam SAS! habis habis semuanyee yeayyy , najwa la ni ttbe nk baring atas jln raya..


Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Wooots first time blog pakai phone, berjaya kah? Whahahah ok jakon!
I am looking forward for Lunch! :)
Ok chows! Whahaha!

-antara post yang tiada memberi erti.


Saturday, January 12, 2013

2013 1434


welcome 2013 and 1434.
May this year be a better year than the previous :)


I think I should blog more :P